A simple code highlighter with the following features:
Theme Customization: Personalize the appearance
with customizable color themes.
Copy to Clipboard: Ability to copy code snippets to
the clipboard. [x]
Language Detection: Automatic identification of the
programming language used in the code snippet.
Line Highlighting: Ability to select and highlight
specific lines of code. [x]
- Click the number beside to select a line of code
Progress: [ 10% ]
1 const user = ["name", 18, "lorem is cool", "extended"];
2 console.log(user);
3 const listItems = ["🚀","😁","🥑","🥷","👨💻","😂","🎯","👀","🥸","🐳"];
4 const itemElement = document.
5 createElement("div");
6 itemElement.classList.add("item");
7 itemElement.innerText = content;